This proposal was AH-mazing. Paul contacted me a couple of days before the planned proposal and talked to me about it. I was super excited to shoot this event. He rented the Arta Gallery. Which is a little gallery that is nestled in the heart of Toronto's Historic Distillery District.
When I got there, I was pretty amazed by how creative he got. He had printed lots of photos of him and Veronica together and placed them in little frames with candles in between. He placed a string of lights and flower petals all around where he planned to propose. And he enlarged and framed a few photos of them together. Oh, the helium balloons! He had many of them and each one had a little tag attached to it with "I love you because" messages.
After he surprised her by proposing and she said YES, I took them for a walk around the Christmas market for their first official photo shoot as a couple.